
Woe to the Masters

I write to the people with no souls, you don't have a soul, your are not going to give time to my wrintings, because you have other interests such as how many times i poop in the day, how much is my underwear, or even how tall is my "FluffyMofo", there is no hope that you will evolve from being an unconscious creature, to a conscious one. Thus all the knowledge and the wisdom does not belong to you, it belongs to the superior ones, the ones you hate and can't confront, the ch osen ones, the ones who act with feelings wherever they exist. People are not equal. The special type of people does not fit in this new world order, because simply this order gave the inferior power over the superior, for instance, take your life, how many times you have met someone who's terribly weak and psychopath in a harmful way, and the circumstances which the civilisation is responsible for, gave him the power over you? A power that they themselves cannot manage -the power or the auth...

Cold Nights

Two young people, they were insanely in love, the guy was so young, he had so much love in his heart that he didn’t know what to do with it, the girl was so lost that she didn’t knew if he was the right guy or he was not, it was fall, and everything was falling apart, apparently because their was so much emotions from the two sides, their has to be some sense of guidance in the relationship in order for it to be successful, but as i said they were too young to understand what  is to give and receive love, poor them. The temperature here is so low that the music feels cold, again am thinking of how things turned around but i knew that i figured it out, it doesn’t matter now. The lights on streets sneak into my eyes telling there is hope that things will turn around one more time, but the lights are always here, they are always tellings things, but not always the way i think, perhaps i should listen more to the lights.

The world and I

As I see the world, I think, and think, and think over and over, until i come across an existential circumstance, which takes me out of my thought, but as soon as the circumstance fade away, i see the idea that lives inside me facing me again and wants to discuss. Talking to oneself is exhausting when you don't sleep much. I think i should get some sleep. But why do i think of the world this way when most of people don't, they just pretend to, and I can see it very clearly in  their simple faces. This is how the story begins, it doesn't have a beginning time, but it has a manner of beginning. The smell of anxiety is running throught my noise, eyes, and ears, the vision here is colorless and the silence is very loud

Self knowledge

People, people did this to me, people did that to me, a common thought which comes often to you, however in most cases, you deal with it by taking revenge from the world in a certain way. This act is totally based on emotion, which will absolutely take a bad effect on your personality, and by bad I mean it will turn you into a weaker, immature person. Now where exactly is the problem ? As i see it, this situation is a result of ignorance, the ignorance of how to live with people. Furthermore, the moment you start to know how to live with yourself, you will develop the ability to live with others.

An emotional weakness

Love is great fortune, it is a process and not a limited duration or a mean to achieve goals, as i see it love is the goal and the process at the same time and with the same level of importance, but society does a terrible act against love wich is to minimize its value in the individual's life. The reason of this recent phenomenon, is clearly a weakness in people and a lack of courage to express feelings. I will give an example it's a simple one and probably you will feel offended, let's take for example you reading what i said earlier, and not respecting what you felt while reading, it means you are a weak person and you need to grow up your mind. Now for the people who respected their own feelings, you don't need an example, you are just fantastic. And for those who haven't felt a thing.


There are some very interesting similarities bewteen humans and animals. Weak people do cheap acts to disturbe strong people lives, but their acts don't have important impacts unless the weak ones work in groups against one strong man. For instance, dogs hate wolves, because wolves prefer to live and hunt alone, however dogs are the opposit, one dog can attack a wolf, and there will be no danger in this situation, but a group of dogs will try their best to take a wolf's food, or in another scenario, kill the wolf, still this doesn't change the fact that the wolf is strong and high-principled. Humans have conscience, they should get over animals behavior, and be noble and honest.

Feeling disease

A different dimension, feelings are. They can change the aspects of the time and the space around you. The present becomes a chaos of thoughts, the past a prison, and the future dark, but in fact, we kind of prefer this mental state, even if it causes such pain, because it is safe, and we are afraid of facing ourselves. However, by the time of facing ourselves, we can actually feel much and much better. The whole situation depends on the moment of a decision whether to face oneself life, or to drown in the feelings.