
Affichage des articles du octobre, 2019

On a fine day

On a fine day, the cold sun shined on her brown hair, i saw how perfectly her body rose in that dress as she was walking throught the doors, time stopped for a while, so i can keep this beautiful image of her in my mind. Time passed, and that beautiful image is now a part of soul.

Clouds of ideas

As i see the winter coming and the weather gettting more and more colder, i see myself changing to a person with a different mindset. Even the events that happen in this phase of changing are complexe in a very weird way, a way that i am not able to understand. Ideas are starting to fall over my head like rain, and when the rain falls over your head you can't distinguish the big drops, from the small ones, you just absorb them until you get wet and tired, and then you are a new person.

Necessity not motivation

Humans are normal creartures, they need to set goals to their life, in order to be in a stable mental state. First, an individual has to set a number of general goals to his life, in favor of being sane, else he will get lost in the path of depression, suicidal thoughts, and so. For instance, specialists witnessed wild animals get depressed as they get imprisoned, because, these animals have no longer a goal, after their life was dedicated to chasing a meal to survive, their meals now come right to them. Thus an objective of life is important. Second, after setting a general goal, the individual must set small goals to his days, in a way that, these small goals serve the general one, another benefit of these small goals is that they keep the individual busy and improving constantly.

An introduction to the unreal

People are starting to judge each other by the content of their social media accounts, in other words you are what you publish, the problem is that the person most of the times publishes his happy moments especially when it comes to instagram, when the real life is totally not what we see daily in internet, and yes it is not. This phenomenon, from my point of view can cause serious psychological p roblems for people who don’t make a difference between real life and virtual life. Let’s take for instance a person who publishes regularly his happy moments, when the fact is that he is depressed, when he is going to meet his followers on social media, they will treat him as if he is an “always happy” person, when he is totally the opposite, and this is a serious matter.

Walking toward the sun

In life, you encounter people who try at every chance they get, to break your soul and chape you in their own way so they can manipulate you and turn you to a weaker person. Don't fight them, instead listen to their talk and carry on in your own life road, and keep in your mind that at every moment you get over their harmful words, you surpass them and a greatness in you will rise.

The path to God

Our society is not good neither bad, our society is a confused one, where the individual cannot understand his acts netheir have control on them. And the main cause, as far as i'm concerned, is that people don't have good references, which they can get back to, if they have the will to examine their acts. In addition, I think that what really people need is a good pacemaker. Someone they can trust, someone they can follow.