The Silent Existence

I've been so stressed lately, about my situations, my behavior, and my relationships. Some existential questions that comes and go to my mind. The problem is that I didn't choose to ask myself those question, it's really something out of my will. This brings into mind whether those existential questions causing me stress, or is it the other way around?
If we suppose that existence is causing us such psychological problems, we must question ourselves have the illnesses been within us since the moment we started to exist?
Let's suppose now that routine, exhaustion, and the very big amount of responsibilities caused us stress in our life, which as we supposed earlier lead to put one self's existence in interrogation. In this case the philosophical questions that mind puts its self in is an escape from reality to a word of thoughts. Series of questions come to mind such as: is this escape common? Is it some kind of a justification to weakness of facing problems?
As far as I’m concerned, life is not a noun, it is a description of a human being existence duration. In other words life does not accept a description such as easy or difficult, sad or happy, simple or complicated, life is just life and it was meant to be lived.
